Call for Innovations to help implement the Sustainable Development Goals
The UN Department of Economic and Social Affairs (UN DESA) in collaboration with the Global Innovation Exchange (GIE), has initiated its 2020 Call for Innovations to help implement the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). The call, which is open from now until 3 March 2020, is open for innovators, scientists, entrepreneurs and sustainability change agents worldwide to submit their workable solutions for SDG implementation, particularly through one or more of the six “entry points” identified in the Global Sustainable Development Report:
- Human well-being and capabilities
- Sustainable and just economies
- Sustainable food systems and healthy nutrition
- Energy decarbonization with universal access
- Urban and peri-urban development
- Global environmental commons
The selected innovators will be invited to participate in the 2020 Science, Technology & Innovation Forum at UN Headquarters in New York on May 12 and 13. At the Forum, innovators will have the chance to present their innovation and connect with a valuable network - other innovators, those who can support or scale up innovations, and those seeking to utilize such innovations.
For more information please visit https://stiforum4sdgs.globalinnovationexchange.org/
The STI Forum 2020 Call for Innovations is initiated by the United Nations in collaboration with Global Innovation Exchange (GIE). The Call will be open and accepting applications till Tuesday, March 3, 2020. Innovations will be submitted to the Call using GIE's innovation profiles and will be publicly featured in GIE’s searchable Innovation Directory here.
Following are the criteria for consideration for the STI Forum 2020:
Criterion #1: You haven't already submitted an innovation for consideration for the STI Forum 2020. Only one innovation should be submitted per person.
Criterion #2: Your innovation has not been showcased at past STI Forum events. See the list here. If your innovation has already been featured at past events, it will not be selected again this year.
Criterion #3: Your innovation is aligned with one or more of the six “entry points” identified in the Global Sustainable Development Report:
- Strengthening human well-being and capabilities
- Shifting towards sustainable and just economies
- Building sustainable food systems and healthy nutrition patterns
- Achieving energy decarbonization and universal access to energy
- Promoting sustainable urban and peri-urban development
- Securing the global environmental commons
Criterion #4: Innovations should embody “systems thinking” in the context of one or more of the entry points listed above.
The above 6 entry points represent systems where strategic interventions can help address some of the trade-offs or tensions among goals that could hinder progress in achieving the 2030 Agenda. For example, increasing food security without undermining terrestrial biodiversity will require policies and actions that work across sectors and constituencies. Considering food and nutrition as a system can help lead toward these solutions.
Criterion #5: The innovations should emphasize concrete action and transformative results.
Criterion #6: Innovations should also be especially targeted at assisting the poorest, most vulnerable and marginalized.
Criterion #7: Innovations are encouraged from diverse backgrounds, including women, youth, indigenous peoples, entrepreneurs from developing countries, and open collaborative networks.
IMPORTANT: Reviewers will only do additional research to validate the facts presented in your application. Hence, your innovation profile must demonstrate that it meets the above criteria. Review the list of actions and tips for each criterion on the Application Instructions page.