#AR-01228 Addictlab Academy Curriculum
Example of the cross-disciplinary curriculum at the Addictlab Academy.
Addictlab Academy
Curriculum Year 2021-2022
age group: 6 - 10
A. Art & Narrative
- drawing (perspective, figure,..)
- drawing in 21st century (VR stations, 3D pens)
- colour research (Pantonize)
- Stop motion movie & the importance of telling stories
B. Design & Imagineering
- creating documentation skills
- ideation (LEGO spike, little bits, ..)
- Project based learning
- measuring, creation of a plan
C. Machine Learning
- introduction and first use of the following machines
- Snapmaker 2.0 CNC/ Trotec Laser cutter / Vinyl cutter / 3D Printer / 3D food printer
D. Software & coding
Use of intuitive tools for design, programmation
and coding
- introduction to Adobe Illustrator
- introduction to Cura for 3D printing
- introduction to Tinkercad for 3D modelling
- Scratch
- Microbit & other programming
E. Maker space & Engineering
- Organisation and lab maintenance
- Safety awareness and instructions
- Reverse Engineering
- DIY: Electric circuits
- Electric table saw / drill /saw
- dismantling & opening up machines, computers,..
F. Responsibilities & Sustainable Development Goals
Awareness projects on the Sustainable Development Goals & the SDG Solution Space
- Coding for good / SDG game design
- use of recycled plastic, wood, fabric, cardboard, as resources for all projects
- Stop motion movie on SDGs
G. Documentation
Importance and emphasis on the need for documentation and inventory of projects.
- Use of photography tools / lightbox
- creation of content for SDGzine
H. Tradition / History
Respect for and discovering of old creative techniques,
- Kintsugi
- cyanotype photography
I. Empowerment, soft skills and communication
- collaboration
- sharing of knowledge
- presentation of projects
J. Profiling
- Use of Creative Chemistry Cards for profiling: interest, skills, strenghts, weaknesses
- IB profile & SDG Impact kits
(Bringing the lab outdoor and the outdoor in the lab - *some activities only when location permits)
- biodiversity & coding
- bird cage/feeding
- plant documentation, herbarium
- chocolate fossil moulding
- animals / night camera
- google earth & climate change
L. Challenges and Badges
End of year challenges to obtain selected badges