As COVID-19 spreads and leaves its traces all over the world, it seems more than ever necessary to combine our strengths in the fight against it. I would like to draw your attention to an online hackathon in Switzerland dedicated to this topic: https://www.en.versusvirus.ch/ The online hackathon will take place during the weekend of 03.04.20 – 05.04.20 and everybody is welcome to join.
48 hours. You and potentially 8 million others. The Covid-19 crisis in Switzerland. In Europe. Worldwide. We stick together. We find solutions! Join us with your skills to take on the challenge now - no matter what your background is. Together we are strong!
We are looking for daring and innovative ideas that will help Switzerland to show solidarity now and emerge stronger from the current difficult situation caused by the coronavirus. In a 48h online Hackathon, we want to develop functional digital or analogue prototypes to counter the virus with tangible solutions. For this to work, the #versusvirus Hackathon needs a strong, diverse community. That means people with very different perspectives and abilities. So you do not need to be a programmer or hacker to contribute
How does a virtual Hackathon work?
Our Hackathon takes place exclusively online. We provide the appropriate tools so that you can develop solutions together online. We use Slack as communication platform for the teams and video conferencing for live webinars, Q&A sessions and the daily check-ins. Detailed technical instructions and access to the individual tools will be sent to you in time.
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/company/42876401
Twitter: https://twitter.com/VersusVirusCH
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/VersusVirusCH/
YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCGS-ytfqsPyEY8d823pXg_w?view_as=public