About the Project
4th publication on the Sustainable Development Goals. Main topic: Gender Equality. We collect people, ideas, best practices and work on addictlab.com before publishing online and in print.
Approximate time of print publication: December 2023. Check www.sdgzine.org for other publications.
Work by Lab Members
SDGS of labProject

Gapminder identifies systematic misconceptions about important global trends and proportions and uses reliable data to develop easy to understand teaching materials to rid people of their misconceptions. Gapminder is an independent Swedish foundation with no political, religious, or economic affiliations.
HackaHealth is a community that supports
the development of personalized solutions
for people with disabilities,
in order to improve their daily living.
We deeply believe in the power of togetherness,
fighting disability through inclusion - not only function.
We cultivate play, sharing, openness, and
designing with a purpose.

Welcome to the Facebook page of the research project UNIC, Unexpected Inclusions: Migration, Mobility and the Open City. The main objective of this project, which is led by the University of Geneva (IRS) and the University of Liège (CEDEM-IRSS) in the framework of the Lead Agency programme (SNF-FNSR), is to analyse the self-organisation of migrant associations, the autonomous initiatives of civil society and the ritualised practices of inclusion that occur in cities outside formal integration policies. Through an empirical analysis of the experiences and practices of seven European cities - Brussels, Charleroi, Chiasso, Geneva, Liege, Turin, Zurich - and a comparative case study in Japan - the city of Hamamatsu - the project critically analyze the contribution of forms of self-organisation and urban rituals to the inclusion of newcomers in the city.
We are a Belgian-Swiss team of researchers (ULiège, UNIGE). Our project aims to analyse how migrant associations, civil society initiatives and ritualised urban practices foster inclusion in the city
Every girl deserves to take part in directing and creating technology which is shaping our world.
Our goal is to close the gender gap which currently looms over both the tech industry and engineering universities, and to empower girls to fulfill their potential with an understanding of our digital world desire to learn.
Girls Can Code mission is to provide nurturing and supporting environment where girls can explore different opportunities in the digital world by working closely with inspiring university students and industry professionals on real-life projects.
Our approach provides girls with opportunities to shape tomorrow's digital world by working on meaningful impact projects worldwide, while learning important digital skills.

Lab Members
Jan Van Mol
Janie SL
Leila Fisher
SDG Solution Space Manager
Valentina Rossi
Sui Jin Lin
Estelle Zuferey
Claire Hodges
Xenia Harder
FHP Salone 2022 Fachhochschule Potsdam
Grace Tetley
Karuna Rose-Eleonore Tiwari
Benoît Prieur
Camille Ray
Phenomenal Women Global
Patrick D Kinuthia
Patrick Kinuthia
Sasha Broadhurst-Petrovicka
Kamila Ciok
sharon mazingaizo
Fabio Balli
Julianna Sandholm-Bark
Vial Florence
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